Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Monday's meeting

We had a great meeting Monday! Everyone had a good time singing, and we are getting better and better participation! I forgot to take pictures though. :(

Last meeting you probably remember was on Contentment. Monday's was, Sensitivity. Contentment is when you are not concerned about your own needs. Sensitivity, is when you are concerned about the needs of others. We talked about "gloves" to your sensitivity-- friends, busyness, things you do by yourself (computer games, facebook, TV, listening to music on earphones, etc.). All these things can make you less sensitive to those around you. Also, you have to notice. Sensitivity is noticing. If you don't notice if someone is left out, you can't help them feel welcome. It goes like that with everything. You have to notice, or you can't be sensitive.

We pointed out that whenever you are sensitive even in the littlest thing, or are feeling frustrated because you were trying to help but it didn't go right, you won't lose your reward (Matthew 22:39). Also, whenever you do something you are doing it to Jesus. This can be a beautiful thought, or a scary thought. If you are being sensitive and kind, it is uplifting, but if you are snapping at your brother or glaring at your sister, it is not a nice thought to think you are snapping or glaring at Jesus.

The most important, but probably hardest, place to be sensitive is in the home. We are running sprints with our friends, but a marathon in our home, and it is always harder to run a marathon than a sprint.

To end the meeting, we talked about one way to show you care is to make sure you know everyone's name. We played a little game with that, where everyone wrote down everyone else's name, and during snacks asked questions of each person to find out something about them. One thing we found out: the majority of the girls' favorite color is blue!

We also had another little quiz we did, to see how well we know our siblings.

For snacks, we provided strawberry shortcake, Elizabeth brought grapes and watermelon, and Marie brought ice cream sandwhiches. Yummy!

Marie and Elizabeth, thank you for bringing snacks! They are always appreciated!

I'm looking forward to seeing you all on the 31st! We will be learning about meekness. Quick question: do any of you know who the Bible says the meekest man was?

Madaline, MaKenzie, and Abigail are bringing snacks next meeting.


P.S. Faith, thank you for picking up all the change on the floor, it really was appreciated!