Friday, December 24, 2010

Christmas Cookies!

Hello Girls!  How are your Christmas prererations coming?  (Hopefully good!  Christmas is tomorrow!)  At our house, we have been busy.  We recently made cookies.  They were arranged on trays, and we added tracts, tea, and candies.  I hope our neighbors and friends enjoy them as much as we enjoyed making them!
 Rolled cookies with white chocolate and cherries!

My two favorite ingredients--vanilla and butter.  Yum!

*My sweet little helper*

May you have a Merry Christmas celebrating our Saviours birth!  And as you open gifts--remember the greatest gift of all!

Monday, December 20, 2010

Guess what?

We have a new little sister!  She weighed 9lb. 8oz. and was born yesterday a 6:18am.  Her name is Mirae Hope, which means "Blessed Hope."  We are all really excited!

The four girls....

Grant and Mirae get to share birthdays!
 It is funny, Mirae was due on Lance's birthday, but was born eleven days late, on Grant's birthday!


Tuesday, December 14, 2010

A Trip With Grandma

On Monday Lydia and I went with Grandma to a dentist appointment.  It was a long way away, and we had just had our first big snowstorm the night before, so we had to go pretty slow.  (Two hours to get to our destination!)  But the sun was bright, the snow sparkly, and Lydia and I took some pictures out the window.  Enjoy!

It was the type of day that made everything--even power lines and radio and cell towers look pretty!

Here is a barn that I liked...same picture, just different edits.

I love how this picture has the green and red on the more subtle landscape!

Isn't God's creation beautiful?