Friday, November 18, 2011

Packing Party!

Packing Party!  Our whole family had the opportunity to participate in an Operation Shoe Box Packing Party last Saturday.  It was amazing; how well it was organized, the people, snacks, everything !

If you have not heard about OCC, I would encourage you to check it out.  It is a wonderful ministry that does a lot of good--and you get to help!  Visit them at!

The tables, all ready for action!  Pick up a box at one end, go through the line following the directions, and deliver your box at the inspection table.

The inspection table was overwhelmed very quickly--there were many people packing, and only Olivia, Maria, and Elizabeth inspecting.  Lydia and I joined them after a little while, as well as Mrs. T.  We had a lot of fun--and were snapped by countless rubber bands in the process!

Everyone helped!

Yeah Daddy!  Noela was so into it her hair got quite disheveled!

 A great day's work.  One thousand, sixty five boxes packed.  All of them were prayed over, and it is our hope that they will help change people's lives!

Clean-up time!  Mirae' likes helping with everything.

Samaritan's Purse!

It was a great day, with lots of great work accomplished.


Lil said...

What a fun time! I LOVE helping out with Operation is a great way to serve. The pictures are awesome. =)

Alyssa said...

Sounds like fun! Too bad we couldn't go. :(
